Monday, June 30, 2014

Happiness Is.....

Happiness is someone sending me a text first thing in the morning just to say "hello" or "have a great day".

Happiness is my dog freaking out every day when I get home.....simply because I came home.

Happiness is the sunsets seeming to last just a little bit longer in the summertime.

Happiness is the kind of tired you get when you have been in/by the pool and out in the sun all day.

Happiness is laughing til you cry and can't breathe all at the same time.  Then recovering, being quiet for a minute, reliving the moment, and starting the process all over again.

Happiness is a perfect meal with a fun person.

Happiness is a phone call with a precious friend who lives far away.

Happiness is a handwritten card in the mail.

Happiness is the smile on my grandpa's face when I walk into his house.

Happiness is an ice cold bottle of water on a hot, humid day.

Happiness is knowing that no matter what, your mom will always understand what you need.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Friends Without Kids

Have y'all seen this video?

I first stumbled upon it a couple of weeks ago and I can't stop thinking about it.

I don't know this woman, Elle.  I've never met her but I have found myself doing everything in my power to not hate dislike her.  She seems like a fun, creative person and her kids are super cute.  Had I never seen this particular video I would think she would be someone I would be friends with.

Except she doesn't have time for friends.  
Did you know that?
People who have children don't have time for their childless friends anymore.

We, on the other hand, "can just get in the car and drive to Las Vegas and see Britney Spears."

Just.  Like.  That.
Because we don't have a lives or responsibilities - heck no!
We spend our days sleeping til noon, having mimosa brunch on the daily, and lounging poolside while thinking about what we're going to wear to our next Brit Brit concert.

Now I'm not trying to act like I have responsibilities like those who have children do.  But I resent the fact that this woman is implying that we don't have obligations.  Everyone's lives are different - kids or not.  Some people without children are working 2 jobs or taking care of elderly family members or traveling for work.  (Some people with kids are doing that, too.)

And maybe we are going out and having fun 7 nights a week.  But I can tell you this:  whatever it is that we are doing I can promise you we're not sitting around wondering why our friends with kids aren't inviting us to go paint the town red.

Speaking for myself, I spent the better part of 10 years working an average of 70 hours a week.  I didn't have time to listen to Britney Spears on the radio much less attend her concert.  Or attend any family function, for that matter.  And forget a night out with my friends.  Should I have filmed a short video explaining to all the stay-at-home moms that I haven't initiated a text conversation with them because I spent the last 4 nights working from 7am til 10:30pm and then falling asleep to QVC on the television around 2am surrounded by schedules and margin reports while dreaming about ways to generate traffic into the stores?  

I should not have.

Because that would make it seem like I think they're sitting around wondering where I've been lately.
My own sweet mother doesn't think about me 24 hours a day so I don't expect anyone else to, either.

I would estimate that 99.4% of my friends have kids.
Did our friendship change when their children were born?
But I like to think it changed for the better.

I've gotten to throw and attend baby showers.

I get to watch my friends, some of whom I've known since middle school, become moms and dads.

It's been even more fun to have little mini versions of my friends walking around.

(And just for the record, Elle, I never once have had any of my friends not be able to carry on a text conversation with me on a daily basis - kids or no kids.  So I don't know what you're doing wrong.)