Monday, June 30, 2014

Happiness Is.....

Happiness is someone sending me a text first thing in the morning just to say "hello" or "have a great day".

Happiness is my dog freaking out every day when I get home.....simply because I came home.

Happiness is the sunsets seeming to last just a little bit longer in the summertime.

Happiness is the kind of tired you get when you have been in/by the pool and out in the sun all day.

Happiness is laughing til you cry and can't breathe all at the same time.  Then recovering, being quiet for a minute, reliving the moment, and starting the process all over again.

Happiness is a perfect meal with a fun person.

Happiness is a phone call with a precious friend who lives far away.

Happiness is a handwritten card in the mail.

Happiness is the smile on my grandpa's face when I walk into his house.

Happiness is an ice cold bottle of water on a hot, humid day.

Happiness is knowing that no matter what, your mom will always understand what you need.

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